Nitric Oxide (NO) Induction Or Exposure May Be a Natural Biofilm Dispersal Method That Can Be Harnessed To Control Biofilm-Related Infections. Table of Contents Introduction Endogenously produced NO via inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) Endogenously...
DISCLAIMER: This post is for educational purposes only. This post is not a recommendation, recipe, or guide for self-treatment. Nothing in this post is designed to offer treatment recommendations or aid in diagnosing a particular disease or symptom. Ettinger, Inc.;...
In a newly published Yale study, researchers have identified, an otherwise beneficial antioxidant compound, known as ergothioneine (EGT), may actually protect or selectively confer a competitive colonization advantage in host (stomach and duodenal) tissue, to the...
1. One of the most interesting and thought-stimulating papers in the current issue is the report published by Skutsch et al.; they noted that COVID-19 deaths per million were higher in South America than in either Europe and North America, while Asia, Africa, and...
Are you experiencing chronic digestive issues like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and/or constipation? Have you been diagnosed with small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or suspect that you may have this condition? If so, it’s time to see Dr....
December 15, 2020 Plato wrote that “Rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul” (Plato, The Republic, c. 375 BC). Was he talking about a circadian rhythm? It is the personal responsibility of modern humans to learn from our teachers no matter...