Q: How about the controversy of Laetrile? Any comments? When things like: B17/Laetrile, estrogen & breast cancer, supplements, medications… are ‘isolated’ and researched/studied for peer-reviewed-journal articles, take the information with a...
“The endogenous cannabinoid system, named after the plant that led to its discovery, is one of the most important physiological systems involved in establishing and maintaining human health. Receptors are found throughout the body; they are literally a bridge between...
This page will be my resource page for those who are looking for support and information with their fight with cancer and autoimmune issues through the use of either cannabis, cannabis oil or a ketogenic diet. Important Note: I also offer distance patient...
The relationship between cannabidiol and the mitochondria Cannabidiol – CBD – is the most abundant and powerful, non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis. The compound cannabidiol possesses profound medical benefits, Not only will CBD not make you feel...
This page is brand new, as of 29 June 2104. It will be updated constantly, so please check back often. If you have a page, article, website or testimonial that you feel should be included here, just send it to me via “the comment section”. I will review it...