By knowing how the Laws of Man conflict with the Laws of Nature and the way they both impact us, the better we can control our own destiny. I hope you enjoy this post. Life, finances, love, politics, diet, etc… all have a common denominator. Once the common...
There are very few acts, in a daily routine, which will increase your odds for success more than to keep a DAILY JOURNAL and set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. The simple part of this equation is that the idea of daily journaling does work, can work, and...
How to live to be 100 years old. The 15 anti-aging techniques I’ve learned from 34 years of formal study, 27 years of practicing functional medicine, and 52 years of personal experience. Updated October 05, 2016 It’s strange to think that I have been in practice,...
Dr. Marcus Ettinger – Black Patient – Blue Friend of patient – Red One year ago I gave my regular Wednesday night health class, as I had many times before. In attendance was a German born Ph.D. He grew-up in Brazil and moved to America to start a...
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....