Jack Kruse Interpretation vs Reality Or Why It’s Important To Do Your Research Rather Than Blindly Trust What Others Say The views stated here reflect my personal opinion and do not reflect the opinions of anyone mentioned in this paper. Opening Remarks First,...
The world’s largest study on light exposure and its impact on mental health, with almost 87,000 participants, has found that increased exposure to Artificial Light at Night increases a person’s risk for psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, bipolar, and...
Humans evolved, sculpted in a way, tethered to a magnetic planet while bathed in ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light for around 2.8 million years. This extremely long period of intimate connection between humans and the totality of their environment resulted in...
1. One of the most interesting and thought-stimulating papers in the current issue is the report published by Skutsch et al.; they noted that COVID-19 deaths per million were higher in South America than in either Europe and North America, while Asia, Africa, and...
In my professional opinion, based on over three decades of research and clinical practice, those who have the highest vitamin D levels from the sun, not supplementation, have the lowest all-cause mortality risk. In simple terms, it means that those who get the most...
This is a simplistic explanation of the downstream effects of being on a PPI (stomach acid blocker) or having low stomach acid (HCl) B1, B12, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and sodium chloride (salt) are needed to make HCl. Stomach acid is needed to break down protein...