Heliotherapy was part of mainstream medicine before the advent of penicillin. Sunlight (UVA/UVB, visible, and near/far Infrared confers upon the user unlimited benefits. When the full body is exposed to sunlight, on a regular basis, health can be maintained or...
The study researchers followed 30,000 women 25 to 64 over a period of 20 years, collecting information about personal sun exposure, activities like sunbathing (winter and summer), and asking whether they consciously chose “sun vacations” and if they used tanning beds....
The sun, which allows natural vision and color perception to take place, offers the greatest help in overcoming all sorts of eye problems. Eyes cannot function properly without adequate and regular exposure to the sun and most eye problems result from sunlight...
Is the Carnivore Diet a passing fad? I think not. Is it the ultimate evolutionary, elimination diet? Does it support our innate genetic make-up? I think so. Here are just TWO examples of many: (1) why do humans have such low innate stomach pH, like that of scavengers...
Epigenetics, Disease, Health Epigenetics is above our genes and with it, we can understand why we can maintain or regain health and vitality or why we develop an acute or chronic disease, as well as altered function within the body. There are primary epigenetic...